Wednesday, September 14, 2011

So Thankful that our God is Unchanging

Our God is so great, yet he never changes. And I am so thankful for that. While there are days where I really just wanna dwell in my shame or guilt, or when there are times where I just wanna give up and let go... While I'm always so spontaneous and moody, God never ever changes. He's always there waiting for me, waiting for me to give up on trying to get a grip on myself and just surrender myself to Him. It was such a good reminder both tonight and Sunday morning, and even every morning as my alarm goes off (Never Change - AMP) that it doesn't matter if I feel like worshiping. It doesn't matter if feel horrible or guilty, or just so wretched and filled with my dirty sin. When I worship, it's about Him, it's not about me!

 I think I'm finally starting to understand. I think once I get out of the whole "me" idea... and be more focused on him, all my unsatisfactory and critical thoughts won't be there anymore.

"All I wanted to do was stay in this place and listen to Him. I remembered how I had once thought it must be boring for those angels who do nothing but worship Him continually before the throne. Now I knew that there was nothing more wonderful or exhilarating that we would ever do than to simply worship Him.
Such worship was what we were created for, and it would surely be the best part of heaven. I could not imagine how wonderful it would be if all the heavenly choirs were added. It was hard to believe that I had struggled so much with boredom during worship services. I knew that it was only because I had been almost completely out of touch with this heavenly reality during those times.
I was almost overwhelmed with the desire to go back and make up those times during worship services when I had allowed my mind to wander or had occupied myself with other things. The desire to express my adoration for Him became almost insatiable. I had to praise Him! As I opened my moth, I was shocked by the spontaneous worship that erupted from the entire army at the same time. I had almost forgotten that anyone else was there, yet we were all in perfect unity. The glorious worship that followed could not be described in the human language."
The Final Quest, Rick Joyner

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